Our main club runs take place on a Wednesday morning in Norman Park. Once you have graduated from our Beginner’s Group and joined the Club, there are five other running groups to choose from below.

We currently meet just inside the entrance to the Norman Park Community Sports Centre at the Hayes Lane car park whatever the weather. There will always be plenty of blue shirts there (and Red Leaders*) so you can’t miss us! Most runs start from 9.45am and tend to finish around 11/11.15. All are a variety of road or trail. Afterwards we enjoy teas and coffees at the Sports Centre.

*All our Wednesday runs are led by qualified Leaders (see the red shirts).

Steady Improvers

We recommend this group following completion of the Beginner’s Course. Runs tend to be 5-6km with plenty of rest breaks. Run leaves at 9.55am

Step-up Improverss

Our next group to move up to, the pace quickens a little and the distance increases to around 7.5km. We may run with fewer rest breaks, BUT at the pace of the slowest.

Run leaves at 9.50am

9.50 Flyers

This group take a longer run of around 8-9km with fewer rest breaks. Run leaves at 9.50am


FST stands for Fitness and Stamina Training. It could be hill training, or speed work, each week is different. Suitable for runners of all abilities. Run leaves at 9.45am

Steady Advanced

Our advanced group undertake longer runs of 10km plus. It’s suitable for those running Park Run in under 30 minutes. Run leaves at 9.45am


We ask that ALL runners carry an ICE* tag for each run. This is for your own safety, if you are unsure how to get hold of one please speak to one of our run leaders. We also recommend you bring a water bottle, particularly in the summer months.

*In Case of Emergency

If someone had told me a year ago that I’d ever refer to myself as a runner I’d have choked on my fish and chips, but here I am, a runner! I very nervously turned up for Zeros to Heroes back in April, having never done any serious running before and was hooked straight away. Everyone was so friendly and their enthusiasm so infectious I haven’t looked back since. The coaches are all brilliant. I can honestly say it’s the best thing I’ve done in a long time. I never thought running could be such fun. It’s completely changed my life! Now, where did I put those chips I’ve earned…

Nick Keeble

Course Graduate

How do you describe Zero to Hero’s running club? Inclusive, non-judgemental, friendly, knowledgeable, supportive, sociable, motivational, caring….the lists of positives is endless. I never thought of myself as a runner but I run several times a week, not fast, not great distances but with friends who motivate me to get out there. The beginners course enabled that and the club members and leaders mean that I now call myself a runner!

Helen Randell

Course Graduate

After a couple of years of thinking I’d like to start running and an abortive attempt at couch to 5k I finally listened to various friends and decided to give Z2H a try! Good decision – I found many like-minded people who hadn’t done any sporting activity since school, and a team of encouraging and supportive leaders who promised that we would manage 5k in our own way at the end of the course – and we did! After that an even lovelier world of friendship, organised group runs and sociable events opened up. What a club – do give it a go.

Penny Davies

Course Graduate

  •  © Zero to Hero Runners 2020. All rights reserved.